
Friday, 18 September 2015

Social Studies: Being a Good Citizen

During our current unit in social studies, we have been learning about citizenship. We have learned what a citizen is and how to be a good citizen, As well we have explored some of the responsibilities of a good citizen, including the importance of cooperation, identifying conflict, and problem solving by finding solutions. Please watch the video below to hear a little more about what we have been learning. 

Tuesday, 8 September 2015

Writer's Workshop: Personal Narratives

In writer’s workshop, we are learning how to write effective personal narratives. We began with a review of the elements of the personal narrative genre. We have learned some new craft moves, which a writer can use to make their narrative more effective. So far, we have learned to ensure our stories have a clear beginning, middle, and end. As well, we have learned how to make effective beginnings through the use of dialogue, action sentences, and sound words. 

Check out the video below to hear a little more about our personal narrative unit from two of our experts!