
Thursday, 17 December 2015

Ready for the Holidays!

Math: 3 Dimensional Shapes

In math, the second graders have been learning about two dimensional and three dimensional shapes. We have been exploring, comparing, and contrasting the characteristics of different shapes. Watch the video below to see some of the three dimensional shapes that one of our second graders have built. 

Thursday, 10 December 2015

Looking Good!

Writer's Workshop: Personal Narratives

After completing our unit Authors as Mentors, our first and second graders took everything they have learned from Ezra Jack Keats and Angel Johnson and applied it to creating a final published piece. 

You will be able to see your child's published story posted in the hallway early next week. Please stop by and leave a post-it comment. As I'm sure you have already heard, our second graders were thrilled to publish with their MacBooks for the first time! Please watch the video below to see a sneak peak of one of our student's published stories!

Saturday, 5 December 2015

Reader’s Workshop: Visual Reflection

Recently during our readers workshop, we read the book, Under the Lemon Moon. In this fictional text, the protagonist Rosalinda is awakened one night to discover a man stealing lemons from her beloved lemon tree. After the theft, the tree begins to die. Rosalinda seeks advice from friends and family as to how she can heal her tree. Rosalinda learns a lesson of forgiveness and generosity, from La Anciana, while healing her tree. 

Sour Grade 1 and 2 students were asked to make text-to-self connections and identify the author’s message during the read aloud. After the read aloud, our students created a visual reflection that portrayed their connections and what they identified as the author’s message.

Please watch the video below to hear one of our student’s reflections for the book Under the Lemon Moon. Your child’s reflection can be seen on Easyblog.